Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Wondering Wednesday

Wow, lots of interesting wonderings.
See if you can find answers to a few of them.

How many sports do they do in the Commonwealth games?
Why do bears have sharp teeth?  Te Ata
How many books in the whole world?  Samuel
Why do blow offs smell so bad?  Alice
Are sunfish real?  Lilah
How do you make movies?  Heidi
Why do magnets only work on metal?  Eva 
Why do huge whales only eat tiny krill?  Jayden N
How many cars in the world? Kaden
Why can't you breathe in space?  Te Mahia
How do kangaroos bounce so high?  Alyssa
How do clocks work? Sarah
Where does money come from?  Cooper
Why are giraffes necks so high?  Jamie
Why don't spiders get stuck in their webs?  Warwick
Where does the petrol go in a car? Alex
Are aliens real?  Jayden M

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