Dear Room G Families
Wow, only ten more weeks of school till the end of the year. What a huge term we have had with the production. I was so proud of all the students on stage and their behaviour backstage. Thank you for encouraging and supporting you child in their learning. I have been thrilled with the progress the students are making and I want this to continue over the holidays.
As it is holiday time there are many things you can do to help maintain and consolidate the
important skills that we have been working very hard on. I know that if children do not regularly practise these skills they are easily lost.
Before reading a book guess what it will be about, make predictions.
Ask them questions, have they understood the book?
Each child has a poem to learn off by heart. Remember its not how fast you can say it but how interesting you can make it. You will be invited to a poetry recital next term. They might be interested in finding other poems that they like. They can share them with the class next term.
- * Visit the Feilding Library - they have a range of readers,
poetry books and picture books that your child will love.
* Writing
Make cards and letters for people in your family.
Write stories about where you go-travel dairy.
Practice handwriting- you will need to help with this.
Remember to ensure that your child is starting their letters in the right place and is holding the pen correctly, this is essential!
* Ask your child to draw pictures or take photos of places you go. Then write a caption and include feelings. They could share these back at school.
· Maths
Practise counting in lots of different ways.
Count forwards and backwards especially.
Skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Practise writing numbers to 100 then 1000.
Board games.
· Don’t forget there are some fantastic maths and spelling games on iPad apps and on our blog.
I will be sending home books the students have completed. Can you please purchase new ones for the beginning of Term 4. A lot of students need whiteboard markers and glue sticks. They will tell you if they need them.
Thank you for taking the time to do the activities above. I hope you have a safe and happy holiday break.
Claressa Geary
To parents of Room G
I would like all students to wear black tights and a long sleeved black top for the concert. Can you please send them to school on Friday 5th of September so I can check everyone has these items.
There are a couple of things that need to be made.
Three pairs of cats ears and tails.
A red cape.
I have got the materials, if you can help please let me know.
Students can start bringing their costumes to school, I have a box to put them in.
Oliver– Scientist, white coat
If I haven't mentioned your child the costume is organised or they just have to wear the black outfit with face paint.
If you have any questions, please come in and see me or give me a call.
To parents of Room G
I still haven't got all the portfolio's back, can you please send them back as soon as possible because I have new samples to put in.
Time is flying and our concert is looming up. The students have learnt all the lines and the characters have been chosen.
I would like all students to wear black tights and a long sleeved black top. I hope most of you have these things at home.
Thank you for helping your child learn the lines for their poem. I’m amazed at how quickly some to them have learnt all the words. We are working on fluency and expression.
Blue table are stitching this week and next week it will be green tables turn.
If you have any questions or want to have a chat, please come in and see me.
Dear Room G Families
The Learning Conferences were a great success with students sharing and celebrating their learning and then focusing on their goals for the next half of the year.
Can I please have the portfolios back as soon as possible because I have new information to put into them.
We have been doing a lot of work in class which means we are
running out of some of the stationery. Your child will tell you what they need and items can be purchased from the office.
(If you need a note please let me know.)
Most students need a glue stick.
Other items are...
whiteboard pen
Maths or Reading Folder: Clever Kiwi Company Activity Book
Storywriting book: JWB
All the handwriting books are almost finished: LWB
As you know some students have started stitching on Monday
afternoons. The yellow table are showing creativity and are able to work independently, I’m so impressed!
The red table students will be stitching next Monday. If you would like to help please let me know, it’s a relaxing and fun time.
All students will have a poem to learn this term. Some students have already got their
poem, others will be getting them over the next week. Can you please help them learn these off by heart. I have put some of the poems on the blog in the Reading Folder. This will help them say their poem with expression and fluency and develop confidence in front of an audience.
We may have a poetry recital in Term 4 if the students get really good.
We will be hosting the Junior Assembly on Friday and will be acting out a short story called the Lion Hunt. If the students want to bring an item of clothing to wear to help them get into character that would be great, for example something you would wear on an adventure.
I put all my notices on the blog under Parent Information if you loose this paper one.
If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch.
To Room G Families
Welcome back to term 3. It was fantastic to see all the students returning to school and eager to get back into learning. They have been sharing their holiday experiences with lots of enthusiasm.
You should have received your Learning Conference slips for next week. Just a reminder there is no supervision on both Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. The students can be picked up at 12.30 pm and at the latest 1.30pm. The students and I are looking forward to showing you the fantastic learning they have done and share their next goals.
This term the students will be stitching on canvas. My mother will be coming in on Monday afternoons and taking small groups out. This is great activity for winter. The yellow table will be the first to start. If your child sits at this table and you would like to help out, you are more than welcome to come along, just let me know.
This term is going to be really busy because it is our school production. This happens every two years with the whole school involved.
We are starting to learn the poem, The Adventures of Isobel. I will be needing help with costumes and props later on in the term. Things to look out for are…
Red cape
Bear outfit
Large long coat for the giant.
Witches outfit and two black cats
Doctor and nurse costume.
Mad scientist, wig and a white coat
Over the next couple of weeks each reading group will be given a poem or part of a
poem to learn. Please help them learn it off by heart. This will help them gain
confidence speaking in front of an audience. They can also practise speaking in a clear, loud voice with expression.
Looking forward to seeing you all next week. Remember if you have any questions or concerns please get in touch.
Thanks Claressa Geary
Dear Room G Families
We are now half way through the year and its great to see you all encouraging and
supporting you child in their learning. I have been pleased with the progress the
students are making and I want this to continue over the holidays.
As it is holiday time there are many things you can do to help maintain and consolidate the
important skills that we have been working very hard on. I know that if children do not regularly practise these skills they are easily lost.
I would really appreciate it if you could take the time to do some of these easy and fun activities, over the holiday break, to help keep your child in the routine of doing reading, writing and maths.
· Read read read! Make reading a routine in your house. Read stories together. Listen to you child read and also encourage independent reading. Read to different members of the family. Send your child to bed 10 minutes early to read before they go to sleep.
Before reading a book guess what it will be about, make predictions.
Ask them questions, have they understood the book?
For the production this year I have chosen a poem called The Adventures of Isobel. We have started learning it in class and some practise in the holidays would be appreciated. The students will need to learn all this
poem. We will be preforming the poem and adding actions and maybe music if I can find the right song. If you have any good ideas please let me know.
- * Visit the Feilding Library - they have a range of readers,
poetry books and picture books that your child will love.
* Writing
Make cards and letters for people in your family.
Write stories about where you go-travel dairy.
Practice handwriting- you will need to help with this.
Remember to ensure that your child is starting their letters in the right place and is holding the pen correctly, this is essential!
* Ask your child to draw pictures or take photos of places you go. Then write a caption and include feelings. They could share these back at school.
· Maths
Practise counting in lots of different ways.
Count forwards and backwards especially.
Skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Practise writing numbers to 100
Board games.
· Don’t forget there are some fantastic maths and spelling games on line and on I pad apps.
Claressa Geary
Head Lice
Dear Families
Head lice have been
found in children’s hair in Room G. We need all families to check their child’s
hair. If everyone checks and treats for head lice, we will eradicate them. I
would appreciate all the girls having their hair tied up.
Claressa Geary
To parents of Room G
As you know its Enviro day on Friday.
Room G is responsible for the garden out the back by the car park. It would be great if a parent could help supervise a small group of children to clean up our garden. If you are able to help with this please let me know. It should only take around an hour.
Thanks Claressa
On Friday the students will be writing a
What Am I?
They need to choose an animal and find out some information about it.
Where they live?
What they look like?
What they eat?
How do they behave?
Are there any other interesting facts?
The students will be drawing a picture of their animal so some practise before hand might help.
We will be making a What am I? class flipbook.
Thanks Claressa
Parents of Room G
Students are finishing some of their books and I am sending home a slip with the books they need. Can you please purchase these as soon as possible. Books are available at the office.
I have been testing the students on spelling this week. What concerns me is the same words keep cropping up. I have photocopied their test and would like you can practise the words they don’t know at home. We will put extra effort into learning these words at school. I’ve decided to test them again in week 9. Prizes will be given to those students who can pass their level.
Our Inquiry is called Saving Our Animals. When we discuss something I usually ask them to find out more about it at home. Ask your child what they have been learning and support them with any questions they have.
Each week I’m alternating the basic facts cards and the maths sheets. It is up to the students to pick up a sheet from above the TV. It’s great to see so many students bringing them back and being proud of what they have done. Many students should be working with numbers to 100, if they find this easy increase to numbers to 1000.
I was so impressed last week with the speed of answers in the basic facts competition. Keep up the practise at home, its making a real difference.
It’s great to see so many children accessing our blog. I update the information regularly. It is a place where we celebrate the children’s learning and you can keep up with what you child is doing.
The children can listen to stories and play writing and maths games.
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
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