Sunday, 16 February 2014

Welcome to 2014

Over the weekend changes have occurred. We now have a chrysalis instead of a big fat caterpillar. The students with eagle eyes have spotted some tiny caterpillars. We hadn't noticed eggs on the leaves but there must have been. I wonder how long it takes for a butterfly to appear.

We have a monarch butterfly caterpillar munching on a swan plant in our class. We are watching it grow and will be looking for changes each week.

Welcome to Room G's blog

It has been a busy start to the year. Its great to see so many students turning up to school ready for learning.

We are swimming three times a week Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 2.15pm.
There are so many children keen to get in the water.
Thanks to those parents who have helped with supervision for these days.
All parents are welcome to our final swim on the 10th of March. This is a time the children can show you what they have learnt and the confidence they have gained in the water.

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