Friday, 28 November 2014

Junior Assembly

Today we said good bye to our Year Twos. They all got certificates and we wished them well for their move to the Middle Team.

At the School Assembly Te Mahia got a prize for a flower arrangement she had done.

Funny Friday

Enjoy today's jokes.

How do you make a tissue dance?
Put a little boogie in it.

What do you call a kangaroo crossed with a sheep?
A wooly jumper

Knock, knock
Who's there?
Cow who?
Cows don't go who, they go moo.

What do you call a deer with no eyes?
No idea

Why did the dog chase the skeleton?
Because he likes bones.

What do you call an elephant in a phone box?

What do you call a fly with no wings?
A walk

What did the big phone say to the little phone?
Your too young to be engaged.

Poetry Recital

Yesterday we performed our poems to our parents and grandparents. The students had all learnt their poems off by heart and performed them well.
I'm so proud of you all!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Wondering Wednesday

Questions for this week
What do our bodies do when we go to sleep? Alice
Why are clouds different shapes? Abbie
How do people stuff animals? Maddie
Why don't insects have bones? Jayden M
Why does grass go fluffy in the lawn mower? Lilah
How come you can press a letter on the keyboard and it comes up on the screen? Heidi
How does a pump get air in a ball and why doesn't it come out? Lily
How are seeds made? Jayden N
Why can you float in space? Warwick

Monday, 24 November 2014

Get Set Go

How lucky are we?
Today we continued the Get Set Go programme focusing on hitting a ball.

The students played a cool game. One group were vegetarians and the other group were meat eaters. The vegetarians had to hit the balls (meat balls) off their plate( cone) while the meat eaters had to put  the balls back on the cone.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Funny Friday

These are the best jokes the students came up with today.

What do sheep do on sunny days?
Baa, baa Que

What do you call a slug?
A snail with a house and a problem

What do you call a baby that wobbles?

How do make a snake cry?
Take away its rattle

What did the porcupine say to the cactus?
Are you my mother?

What do vampire doctors say?
Neck-st please!

Poetry Recital

To Parents, Grandparents and friends of Room G

You are invited to Room G's poetry recital.

Date: Thursday 27th of November
Time: 2.30pm
Place: School Library

We would love to see you all there!

Today we made invitations to our poetry recital.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Storyteller: Mary Kippenburger

On Wednesday afternoon we went to the hall to listen to stories while people acted them out. The storyteller chose students from the audience to come up and act the story. Ella was chosen from our class, she was a sheep.
We were excited to listen to the three stories she told.
They were Little Red Riding Hood, The Gingerbread Man and the Possum and the Rabbit.
There were lots of funny bits in the stories, we laughed.

There's Ella, with the sheep hat on her head.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Today we practised some more tennis skills.

Wondering Wednesdays

Why can't you mix secondary colours to make other colours? Alice
Why do we have wind? Abbie
How do they do tricks in the scary movies? Maddie
Why are feathers so soft? Jack
Why are young plants so soft? Oliver
Why are some things heavier than others? Dylan
How come some balls bounce and others don't? Erynn
How do we feel things with our skin?  Lilah
Who thought up Christmas and Halloween? Heidi
Why does Spring have a mixture of weather?
Why do you sink in quicksand?
Do stingrays have a sting on their tail to kill prey or fight off predators? Jayden N
Why cant babies talk? Te Mahia
Why are cheetahs the fastest animals? Jamie
Why are lions the king of the jungle? Alex

Monday, 17 November 2014

Zen Tangle

This afternoon we tried doing a Zen Tangle.
It is described as creative drawing for relaxation, inspiration and fun.
Below is an example of what Oliver created.

The Amazing New Junior School Playground

This is a climbing frame. There are ropes and a rock climbing wall.
Here is the slide to go down.

Here we are lining up to have a go on the huge, green, covered slide.
It is twisty, fast and you cant see the bottom.
Abbie thinks it's like a waterfall.
Heidi was scared at first because it was dark and she hadn't been on it before.  She was brave and had a go.
Mrs Palmer went down the slide!

I was excited to go down the slide. I was super fast on my tummy.

It felt groovy and I was excited to go down it.

When you were sliding down you went side to side.
This is the Witch Hat.
We were spinning around fast.
People were screaming and laughing.
It felt like it was going to fall over.
Te Ata felt sick going round and round.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Funny Friday

For the last couple of weeks the students have been sharing jokes they remember with the class.
We have decided to share these with you.
Do any of these make you LOL?

What is brown and sticky all over?
A stick

Who's there?
Na na
Na na who?
Na na your business.

Why is a basketball player like a baby?
Because they both dribble

What is kind and you don't have to pay for?
A friend

What did the pot say to the pan?
Your hot.

Why can't a car play soccer?
It only has one boot.

What do you call a bull that is mean?
A bully.

Where do the All Blacks sit when they are hot?
Next to their fans.

What do you call a bull sleeping?
A bulldozer.

Thursday, 13 November 2014


This afternoon we labeled and discussed the parts of a human skeleton.

Junior Playground

The playground is coming together quickly and it looks like it may be completed by Monday.
The students have enjoyed watching it go up and they can't wait to play on it.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Wondering Wednesday

Questions for this week...
How does blood help us? Te Ata
How do power cords work? Alice
Why is it warm and cold in Spring? Maddie
How does your brain think? Oliver
What type of work do road workers do? Dylan
How do planes fly? Jayden M
Why do adults like different things to children? Heidi
Is the milk warm or cold when it comes out of a cow? Mac
Do people live on other planets? Eva
Why can some birds fly and others can't? Sarah
Why are cheetahs the fastest animal? Jamie
What makes thunder? Warwick
Why do ostriches bite people? Alex
Why do fish have scales? Erynn

Name Skeletons

I've just put up these name skeletons. Come into school and try to work out who's skeleton is who.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

New Junior Playground

The Junior School is getting a new playground. Workmen are pulling apart some of the old playground and putting new bits in.
Thanks to the parents, teachers and community who supported our Gala Day. 

These green tunnel bits are for a covered slide. We think it looks like a hydro slide but without water.

This looks like a climbing frame.

Lots of the Junior students were watching the changes at lunchtime. They are really excited and cant wait until they can play on it.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Hospital Tag

This afternoon the students learnt a new game called hospital tag. We had two taggers. When they tag someone that person has to hold the place they were tagged and then they can tag others until everyone is caught.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Prize Giving

On Friday the students who gained top three placings in the Junior Cross Country accepted their medals. I'm very proud of these students but also the achievements of all the students in my class.
They all showed persistence and determination and achieved their goal of running the course without stopping.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Bones of the Human Body

Today we put together the bones of a human body. These plastic bones come from Te Manawa. There was a lot of discussion of where the students thought the bones should go. Some students counted the bones in our hands and feet.  We learnt that the biggest bone is in our thigh and the smallest bone is in our ear.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Shark Attack

The students have been doing more art so they can choose the best for their calendars.
We have been doing more printing and these are our shark attack pictures.
Don't forget to send in the envelope and choose a calendar, set of cards or both.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Cow and Sheep Bones

We got some bones from Te Manawa. Mrs Geary handed them out and we had to sketch the bone and guess what animal it came from and where it might be found.
Then we  got back together and answered a quiz.
We worked out the smaller bones were from the sheep and the really big ones were from a cow.