Thursday, 30 October 2014

Another Skeleton

The Red Table students put together their skeleton today.
After some discussion they thought they would add ribs to their skeleton.
Come in and check them out.
I have added Green Tables skeleton. They put in the rib cage and hip bones. The more skeletons we have done the better they have got.

Walking the Dogs

Here are a sample of some art we did last week. 
We created these dogs by printing them with card then adding detail with crayon.
We think they look really cute!

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Creating Skeletons

 We are learning about our bodies so today some of the students put together fantastic skeletons.
 I helped them cut the wire while they threaded it with polystyrene. We then twisted the wire together to create the skeletons. They are as tall as the children. You are welcome to come in and have a look.

Wondering Wednesday

How do birds pick up things with their beaks? Te Ata
How does blue tac stick? Samuel
Why and how do blue bottles sting? Abbie
Who invented toilets? Maddie
Why do caterpillars leave the plants they eat? Jack
How come caterpillars eat their food so fast? 
How hot is the sun? Jayden M
Why are we all so different? Lilah
How do balloons float? Eva
Why don't animals speak like us? Ella
Why is nature so colourful? Te Mahia
Is Mars hot? Kaden
Why do bears stand on two feet? Warwick
Why are some people faster runners than others? Alex

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Wondering Wednesday

Why do they put soft stuff in toys? Te Ata
Why did dinosaurs become extinct?  Alice
How do paleontologists stick broken bones together? Maddie
Why are bones so hard? Oliver
Why do bees make honey? Erynn
Why do fish have scales? Lilah
How do you turn into an angel when you die? Heidi
Why do videos on the computer have advertising? Mac
Why do birds have different beaks?  Eva
Why do people stuff animals? Lily
What is nail polish made of? Ella
What are spider webs made of? Cooper
Why do flowers open and close during the day? Warwick

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Dinosaur Jigsaw Puzzle

The bones the students dug up in the sandpit on Friday were put together today.
It was interesting seeing the different creatures they created.
 The teams learnt they had to communicate to create their dinosaur. There was lots of discussion about what the bones were and where they thought they would go.  

Blue Table
What we think it looked like when it was alive.
It was a flying dinosaur.
It was a brown and  purple colour.
It was a predator and it hunted for food.
The food it loved  eating was fish. It would dive under the water and catch them with it's sharp teeth.
It made a screeching sound.

Green Table
What we think it looked like when it was alive.
Its was a chomping machine.
It was mean and wild.
Cold blooded.
It started it's life as an egg.
It could run as fast as a cheetah.
It was a carnivore.
It looked like a mini T-Rex.
It looked like a fat dog.
It had very sharp teeth.
It munched and crunched it's food.
It's skin was green and bumpy.
It had small arms at the front.

Yellow Table
What we think it looked like when it was alive.
Mac named it a Pokeasaurus.
It had grey skin with a pink tummy and face.
It was a plant eater and it nibble leaves off trees.
It's tail was used to hit other dinosaurs.
It ran very fast.

Red Table
What we think it looked like when it was alive.
It was a herbivore
It had spikes on it's back.
It had red and bumpy scales.
It had short legs so moved slowly.
It was prey for the large predators.

Cross Country

The students have been practising the course and getting fit.
More photos can be seen in the Picture File

Look at the determination on Jayden N and Alex's face!
Well done boys. 

Monday, 20 October 2014

Mission 5

Look around the school for these things. Each person needs to take a photo of all the things, then choose the best photos to create a Pic Collage.

Mission 5
Something blue.
Find something S shaped.
Something with a hole in it.
Take a picture of a painted face.
Take a picture of each other with a surprised face.

These are some examples of what the students created today.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Dinosaur Dig

What a full on afternoon.
Thanks for all your help Room I.
Here are a collection of photos, your child can explain what we got up to.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Cross Country

On Wednesday we walked the Cross Country course and then had a practise.
Here are some pictures of students having fun.
We have been talking about persistence and and doing our best.
Everyone's goal is to run all the way without stopping.
It would be great if you encouraged your child to do some extra practise after school or in the weekends.
Junior Cross Country, Friday the 31st October.
Hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014


For the next couple of weeks the students will be learning tennis skills with Kurt. 
Here are some pictures of them learning and having fun.

Wondering Wednesday

Here are some interesting questions The students came up with.
Remember you can find answers to the questions and then share it with the class.

Why do people chop down trees then plant new ones? Te Ata
How do bees make the buzz sound?  Alice
How do magicians do magic tricks?  Maddie
Why do parents take you to toy shops, then always say NO? Oliver
How does the grass that cows eat turn into milk? Heidi
Why does chocolate melt?  Mac
How come sea animals can't live in fresh water? Eva
Why are people scared of mice? Lily
Why do whales beach themselves?  Jayden N
On what types of nights does Jack Frost come? Te Mahia
Why is New World making us spend $40 for one Little Shop toy when last year it was only $20? Kaden
What makes a speedboat go really fast? Cooper
Why do some fishermen keep the fish they catch and others release them?  Warwick
Why do parrots swing with their beaks? Alex

Good luck on finding some of the answers.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Holiday Writing

We have been writing about the things we have done over the holidays.
I just loved this story Jamie wrote.
More stories can be seen in our Writing Folder

Going to the Park with my Dog

In the holidays I got a dog, his name is Jack. He’s a licking machine because he licks a lot. I think his fur feels like a soft teddy. His fur is brown and black.
I took Jack for a walk to the park to play with his favourite toy. I threw it up high into the air. I was amazed because he jumped and grabbed it in his mouth.
Then I said, “Bring it here Jack,” and he did.
Then I went to throw it again and he went to grab it. I went to hide but he found me.
Do you know how he found me? 
He sniffed me out.
Next we went to the lolly store and I got 
banana lollies.
Then we went home.


Monday, 13 October 2014


This is what I did in the holidays and what I was talking about today.
In the holidays I went to Te Papa to have a look at a T-Rex exhibition, it was amazing.
These are some photo's I took.

Josephine, Madeline and Milly freaking out about the T-Rex who is ready to gobble them up.

Wow, look at those pointy sharp teeth!

Different T-Rex skulls.