Here are some questions the students had about our world today.
If you have time you could find out the answer to one of the questions with your child and they could share the answer with the class.
Why do we blink? Alice
How do cats claws go in and out? Abbie
Why does my cat claw the blankets on my bed? Jayden N
What are clouds made of?
How does it rain? Dylan
How did God make us? Sarah
Where does our power come from? Alyssa
Why do we have gravity on earth but not in space? Warwick
I would love Room G students to become Explorers of the World
You need to be...
Aware of what is around you.
Look at things closely and ask questions.
Look at things with new eyes, everything is interesting, just look closer!
Go for a walk in the weekend and collect 5 interesting things.
Look carefully and describe them.
What is your favourite thing and why?