Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Wondering Wednesday

It's great to see students researching some of our wonderings. Here are some questions we had today.

Where can I find more snails, I wonder where they live?    Samuel
Why do leaves fall off trees in Autumn?   Alice
I wonder why monkey tails are so strong?  Abbie
How did the moon turn red last night?  
Why do balls bounce?  Mac
How was earth made?  Eva
Why do eels in the sea stay in their caves?
I wonder why some days seem to be really long?  Sarah

Good luck!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Autumn (Fall) Song for Children | Simple Song to Learn English | ESL

Why do leaves change colour in autumn

Today we went looking for Autumn leaves. This video explains why leaves change colour and fall off the trees.

Get Set Go. Catching

Today we learnt catching skills. We talked about the things we needed to do to be ready to catch a ball.
Keep your eyes on the ball.
Hands out ready to catch.
Soft hands not tense ones.
You can move your body or feet to get your body in position to catch the ball.

Find objects around the house to throw and catch eg rolled up socks, screwed up newspaper.
Be careful and check with your parents first.
If you have a ball go out and catch and throw with a brother, sister or a parent.

More pictures can be found in the picture folder

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Gala Day

It was great to see so many students enjoying the gala day. I think there were many of you on a sugar rush, thank goodness it wasn't a school day. I'm looking forward to hearing the fun things you did at the gala day tomorrow.
Here are some photo's of the day.

Friday, 11 April 2014


Don't panic, there wasn't an emergency. It was just Abbie and Jaydan N coming to school this morning. These lucky Room G students won a trip to school by ambulance. They were picked up from home and delivered with lights and sirens going to Manchester Street School. Gosh it was loud. We all went out to welcome them. 

Some of the crowd outside Room G.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

The Underwater Song (children's "sea animal" song)

Tomorrow we are going to learn about the animals we find in the sea. I will be reading them some stories and we will look at Youtube clips. Then we will be writing poetry and doing some artwork.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Wondering Wednesday

Here are some questions the students had about our world today.
If you have time you could find out the answer to one of the questions with your child and they could share the answer with the class.

Why do we blink?  Alice
How do cats claws go in and out?  Abbie
Why does my cat claw the blankets on my bed?  Jayden N
What are clouds made of?
How does it rain?  Dylan
How did God make us?  Sarah
Where does our power come from?  Alyssa
Why do we have gravity on earth but not in space?  Warwick

I would love Room G students to become Explorers of the World
You need to be...
Aware of what is around you.
Look at things closely and ask questions.
Look at things with new eyes, everything is interesting, just look closer!

Go for a walk in the weekend and collect 5 interesting things.
Look carefully and describe them.
What is your favourite thing and why?

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Get Set Go-Skipping

Skipping was our focus for today. 
We were lucky that the rain stopped and we could do the activities outside. There are more photo's in the Picture folder. Your homework challenge for this week is don't walk around, skip instead!

Monday, 7 April 2014

The Seasons, Explained

This is a really tricky concept. All the students need to know is that we have seasons because the tilt of the earth.

New Items on the Nature Table

Mrs Geary bought some potted spring flowers. In one pot are miniature daffodils and in the other are purple hyacinths. Mrs Geary went up to the farm in the weekend and bought  back a sheep skull for us to study. We can see where the eyes used to be and the top teeth which are bumpy. We had trouble guessing what type of animal skull it was.

Today we started growing some sprouts to eat, we have to rinse the seeds twice a day.
Check out the Theme page for updates of the changes we noticed today and the Picture page of artwork we have done. 

Friday, 4 April 2014

Rob the Nest

This afternoon we went out with our buddy class, Room I.
We had heaps of fun taking the eggs from the nests.

Thursday, 3 April 2014


Wow! I am so proud of Room G students. We had a fantastic morning competing in the various events. It was great to see so many parents supporting their children. If you were unable to make it, I've taken lots of photos. As you and your child look at the pictures get them to explain what they or their friends are doing and how they felt.
Beginning of the Day

Ball Throw

Sack Race

Balancing Bean Bags


Long Track

 Egg and Spoon

Space Ball